
we present a method for the detection of aflatoxin in grain and food production with hyperspectral imaging (hyperspectral camera) to farmers, food producers and food laboratories.

Our main goal is to achieve a non-destructive detection method of aflatoxin in the production line and packaging stage of plant seeds, especially corn and peanuts.

Detoxive begins its startup journey using smart hyperspectral cameras. Detoxive uses computer vision and image processing to identify aflatoxins in plant seeds and improve the accuracy of diagnoses.

In-line detection (hyperspectral imaging) avoids the need to destroy or alter the structure of agricultural products, which saves time and money. The images taken with the hyperspectral camera have a unique feature. In these images, each pixel has three components, two components are related to the location of the object and one component is related to its spectrum.
At Detoxive, we use UV light and a hyperspectral camera. Aflatoxin is excited by UV light due to its fluorescence property and is detected by a hyperspectral camera.
This accurate, fast, cheap and easy technology is suitable for use in food laboratories, agricultural fields and food production centers.

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